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We have got a lot of experience in marketing and marketing communication. We are familiar with political marketing and clever crisis communication. We are acquainted with re-structuring, process optimization as well as sales activities setting. Try us out. You will be happy to come back.
Jan Herzmann
Unconventional survey methods proved competent
The best fit with the real EP elections could be seen in the unconventional enquiry of MF DNES journalists who interviewed also during the elections. Closely behind was the election model provided by Herzmann and Data Collect 10 days prior to the elections. Traditional polling agencies scored much worse. TZ 140526 Eurovolby – hodnocení průzkumů
Continue reading→EP elections results remain unpredictable
As a part of the Czech voter project, Herzmann s.r.o. conducted the second wave of a survey on the European Parliament elections. Estimated turnout in the EP elections dropped down 29,6 %. The five-percent-threshold necessary to get the mandates would be passed by six parties and movements, in addition to the ANO 2011 winner also […]
Continue reading→ANO 2011 would win the EP elections
As a part of the Czech voter project, Herzmann s.r.o. and Data Collect s.r.o. conducted common survey on the European Parliament elections. Estimated turnout in the EP elections makes 32,4 %, this is mainly because of ANO and Úsvit supporters. The five-percent-threshold necessary to get the mandates would be passed by six parties and movements, […]
Continue reading→A new partnership for ICT
The Association for Better ICT Solution and Herzmann company start a new common program supporting marketing of small and medium ICT companies. A marketing audit should provide an assessment of the complex of products/services, target groups, communication channels and marketing messages. Based on this analysis, a set of recommendations will be developed and discussed in […]
Continue reading→Survey: opinion of decision makers
The government should win a vote of confidence but will probably not last its entire electoral term. The Czech economy is expected to grow in 2014, inflation should be between 1 and 3 %. For 2015, the government will probably increase not only spending, but also taxes. By the opinion of decision makers this will […]
Continue reading→Czech voter 2014
Herzmann company has published the first issue of the Czech voter studies planned for 2014. On top of the usual evauation of party preferences models of different polling agencies, this issue deals with the changing opinions on Milos Zeman in the period from his presidential election campaign till the beginning of 2014.
Continue reading→Czech voter – this year´s last issue
For the last time in 2013, Herzmann company issued its regular study Czech voter. The analysis of the latest data of different polling agencies shows that exceptional election and its results have not changed the opinions substantially. To remind late president Havel, bad mood continues to prevail.
Continue reading→This time, polls were on target
In total, data of different polling agencies delivered during last 4 pre-election weeks were nearly precise, the trend analysis of Herzmann s.r.o. reveals. Czech law does not allow publishing pre-election polls during last three days prior to the election. The tiniest bias from all pre-election models published until this ban shows the TNS Aisa poll […]
Continue reading→Successful company presentation
Our company presented the portfolio of services in Aquapalace CIP Club in Čestlice. The participants were highly interested in the Czech voter study which offers a forecast of the exceptional general election to be held next week. This was already the second presentation in this forum which proved to be a good platform for business […]
Continue reading→Polls are consistent, result remains open
Polls of different agencies show consistent results for most of the parties. Most probably, the support of these parties is stabilized. Substantial differences up to 10,5 percentage points can be seen in the case of ANO 2011 movement. This body apparently has a chance to improve its result but it remains open whether this chance […]
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