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We have got a lot of experience in marketing and marketing communication. We are familiar with political marketing and clever crisis communication. We are acquainted with re-structuring, process optimization as well as sales activities setting. Try us out. You will be happy to come back.
Jan Herzmann
Czech Voter project enters the nineth season
We started the nineth season of the Czech Voter project. In June, we provided our clients with two aggregate studies, one dealing with political opinions and the other specialized in analysis of opinion, attitudes and behavior related to the Covid-19 epidemy. These comprehensive papers are available for purchase to any interested bodies – the same […]
Continue reading→We offer new services
During the Covid crisis, we learned that many SMEs lack information and support in the field of dealing financial subsidies. That is why we started a new pillar of services, namely financial consulting and accounting for SME. Anybody who is interested can get more information on request.
Continue reading→Trend analysis not available
In the beginning of 2019, we provided a highly informative trend analysis for the EP election in the Czech Republic. The same approach was successfully implemented in 2020 to analyze trends defining the regional election. Our aim was to publish a trend analysis also for the 2021 parliamentary election but unfortunately, we are not able […]
Continue reading→The third coronavirus study
In the end of October, we published the third study dealing with the reflection of the coronavirus epidemy in the Czech public opinion and social networks. Based on many partial findings we concluded that the society paid the second wave of the Covid-19 epidemy much less attention and showed substantially less fear compared to the […]
Continue reading→About the regional election results
The regional election became one of the cornerstones of the 2020 Czech Voter project. We review them not only in our regular monthly analyses, but also in the media. One of the most comprehensive reflections was published in Reporter magazine on-line just the day after closing of the ballot – have look here https://reporterpremium.cz/a/pqaRV/rozbor-voleb-2020-uspech-starostu-waterloo-kscm-a-sance-porazit-babise .
Continue reading→Attitudes re coronavirus are changing
Hospodářské noviny published an opener today, based on our complex analysis of opinion and attitudes re Covid-19 disease and the consequences of the coronavirus crisis in the Czech republic. Those interested can use https://archiv.ihned.cz/c1-66799460-cesi-se-covidu-boji-cim-dal-mene-za-klesajicimi-obavami-stoji-relativne-nizke-pocty-zemrelych, those who want more details may want to purchase the whole study.
Continue reading→Covid-19 and public opinion
Public opinion intensely reflects the development of the Covid-19 epidemy and in connection the communication in the social network/media changes. As a reaction to these phenomena, we publish the second publicly available study which maps different findings on behavior and opinions of the Czech population. (The first study covering this topic was published in May.) […]
Continue reading→Covid-19 in the Czech social networks
Together with influentcer.cz, we measured the communication on coronavirus and Covid-19 in the Czech social networks. We registered huge increase of the amount of posts on this topic mainly from March 10 till March 18. After the announcement of most severe regulations, the debate settled down slightly. More information offers the Czech Voter 3/2020 study.
Continue reading→Regional election forecast
Herzmann company issued a forecast of potential outcome of the regional election, planned for October 2020. The conclusions are based on an analysis of historic data covering results of different types of elections since 2013. This publicly available study contains separate regional forecasts of the turnout as well as share of votes for all parliamentary […]
Continue reading→Czech Brand 2019
We recommend a special study on Czech top brands, namely Czech Brand 2019 published in cooperation with CZECH TOP 100 by our partner agency Harmon Research. If you want to know what is “in” today, if you wonder about “the” top top Czech brands, if you simply look for some inspiration, brand stories behind and best practices […]
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