Our team

Jan Herzmann

Petr Herzmann

Eva Tulachová


Jan Herzmann

Twenty two years long, I was building and developing Factum brand in all possible shapes and modifications. Being sixty, I have decided to change and concentrate all my efforts to develop our family business. I am in charge of asset management, communication services, marketing information and also political marketing.

RNDr. Jan Herzmann, CSc.

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Jan Herzmann

Petr Herzmann

My key competencies are effective sales management tools, project management and process optimization. I am also active in the spere of restructuring, mergers and acquisitions. I started my practice already as a student in our family business Tsunami and collected experience mainly in Factory Pro, Unipetrol, Spolchemie and Česká pojišťovna.

Ing. Petr Herzmann, MIM.

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Petr Herzmann

Eva Tulachová

I am an expert in trade marketing and communication between brands and their target groups. I live mainly in the FMCG and retail world and in our family business I am responsible mainly for sales support and product communication projects.

Mgr. Eva Tulachová

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Eva Tulachová
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Team of 14 external consultants is ready to join us in any project. Each and every of them has got extensive experience in the spheres of our activities and has shown his/her ability to lead and manage projects.