Polls are consistent, result remains open

…bly, the support of these parties is stabilized. Substantial differences up to 10,5 percentage points can be seen in the case of ANO 2011 movement. This body apparently has a chance to improve its result but it remains open whether this chance will turn to a success. Relatively large differences can be seen also in the estimates for ČSSD and ODS. Press release in Czech language: TZ 131020 Rozdíly volebních modelů…

Polls: different figures, identical message

Polling agencies sent identical message: in September, five parties would pass the five-percent threshold to make it for the Lower chamber, namely Social democrats as the winner, the second strongest Communists as well as ANO 2011, TOP 09 and ODS with close results. The success of three parties, the Zemanites, Christian democrats and Okamura´s Dawn, remains open. More than seven parties would hardly pass the treshod. Press release in Czech langua…


Marketing We have got extensive experiencein strategic marketing, branding, marketing communication as well as customer and trade marketing. We offer market analysis and identification of market niches/opportunities, target group definitions, consulting for marketing plans and concepts preparation, participation in management of marketing processes and co-operation during their implementation. We took part in the development of a new marketing an…

Cookie policy (EU)

…. Cookies 5.1 Technical or functional cookies Some cookies ensure that certain parts of the website work properly and that your user preferences remain known. By placing functional cookies, we make it easier for you to visit our website. This way, you do not need to repeatedly enter the same information when visiting our website and, for example, the items remain in your shopping cart until you have paid. We may place these cookies without your co…

Czech voter – the first comprehensive study

…Publishing of a monthly Czech Voter study has started. Each issue will contain summarized information on opinions and attitudes of Czech voters. The study is based on synthesis of data provided by different research agencies and media analyses. Press release in Czech language: TZ 130801 Odhady malých stran…

Jan Herzmann

Jan Herzmann

…shapes and modifications. Being sixty, I have decided to change and concentrate all my efforts to develop our family business. I am in charge of asset management, communication services, marketing information and also political marketing. Long time ago, I started my professional career as a statistician of the Public Opinion Research Cabinet at the Federal statistical Office. Later on, I covered large scale of methods and techniques of marketing a…

Czech Brand 2019

…are most proud of – simply click on http://www.harmonresearch.cz/. For more details or any other market research query you may contact Lenka Harmon at lenka@harmonresearch.cz, +420737191483….

Herzmann s.r.o. assisted marekt entry of VIGO Group

After nearly a full year of preparations, VIGO Group finalized its first major acquisition in the insurance segment and entered the Czech market as an important private investor. From a Slovenian insurance group Triglav, VIGO has bought 100 % of shares in its Czech branch Triglav pojišťovna a.s. Preparation for this transaction and its communication was supported also by our team. We are proud that we could assist the market entry of a new Czech…

Awareness and support for “small” parties

…ry parties and movements in the Chamber of deputies. The biggest chance to pass the threshold has ANO 2011. This movement could appeal to 1.1 Mio potential voters, recently 0.5 Mio want to vote for it. Quite large part of the population could be addressed by Sovereignty and Dawn of direct democracy but the former lacks actual support and the latter awareness. Leaders of the “small parties and movements are better known than these political bodies….

A new podcast

…Would you like to see a quiet debate about politics and polling? Watch my discussion with Oto Klempíř in his K.O. podcast – you can find it here Sociolog Herzmann: Kalousek ve sněmovně by byl skvělý terč pro Babiše (youtube.com)…