Presentation to business community

…Recently, there are more and more private enterprises interested in the Czech Voter analyses. To promote our project to business community, Jan Herzmann presented our company to members and guest of the Aquapalace VIP Club headed by Pavel Sehnal….

Czech voter 2015

…By the January issue, The Czech voter study opens the third year of its publishing. In addition to the usual comparative analysis of election models of different polling agencies, the January issue extensively describes results of polls dealing with attitudes toward Islamism and security situation. The February issue will deal with results on the pension system and planned ban on the 2nd pillar….

Interview for Lidové noviny

In an interview for Lidové noviny a I talked about relation of the Czech public and the Czech government and about the the general political opinin in the country – see Vláda vytvořila očekávání, pak ale přišlo zklamání, míní sociolog Herzmann. Co mají společné Macron a Fiala? | Domov |…

VIGO/direct project on target

…More than a year, Herzmann s.r.o. supported the market entry of VIGO Investments in the Czech insurance market and revitalization of the DIRECT pojišťovna brand. The project arrived on target as you can see at ….

Czech voter study analyses social networks

In close cooperation with we included the analysis of social networks communication into the Czech voter monthly studies. This enables us to provide a more comprehensive information on the status and changes of political opinions of the Czech society….

This time, polls were on target

In total, data of different polling agencies delivered during last 4 pre-election weeks were nearly precise, the trend analysis of Herzmann s.r.o. reveals. Czech law does not allow publishing pre-election polls during last three days prior to the election. The tiniest bias from all pre-election models published until this ban shows the TNS Aisa poll for Czech television. There were two even more precise unpublished models, namely that of SC&C and

Good Governance Index 2019

…Hungarian non-governmental organization Nézöpont Intézet started 2019 a Good Governance Index project. Our company was invited to participate in this project both in the sphere of methodology and content. On May 9 to 10, 2019, Jan Herzmann participated in a Budapest international meeting of experts participating in this project which is expected to continue in years to come….

Modified timetable of the Czech Voter

…So that our clients can use the September issue of the Czech Voter for the final regional and Senate election campaign, this study will be distributed already on September 28 in the evening. For technical reasons, the October issue will be slightly delayed. We expect the distribution on November 3. We apologize for any inconvenience….

Covid-19 in the Czech social networks

…Together with, we measured the communication on coronavirus and Covid-19 in the Czech social networks. We registered huge increase of the amount of posts on this topic mainly from March 10 till March 18. After the announcement of most severe regulations, the debate settled down slightly. More information offers the Czech Voter 3/2020 study….