Czech voter 2014

…Herzmann company has published the first issue of the Czech voter studies planned for 2014. On top of the usual evauation of party preferences models of different polling agencies, this issue deals with the changing opinions on Milos Zeman in the period from his presidential election campaign till the beginning of 2014….

Publishing and media presence

Due to acknowledged expertise in the field of political analysis, Jan Herzmann is quite often invited to comment on the political issues in the Czech Republic. The most important recent comments were published in a book of essays Proč? (Zeď publishing, 2018) and a profiling interview with Jan Herzmann is available at…

Business partners

…ces since 2002. A specialist in telephone as well as on-line interviewing for marketing and opinion research. The company started 2005 and is active both in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. An important Slovak full service research agency covering all types of marketing and opinion research. Its roots can be spotted in 1992….

Czechs and Advertising

In the past, it was my honor to participate in Jitka Vysekalova´s project Czechs and Advertising. As to mee, I am dealing with completely different topics, but the project goes on in cooperation with the research agency ppm factum research. Those interested are invited to learn more at Češi a reklama – výsledky výzkumu 2022 – ČESKÁ MARKETINGOVÁ SPOLEČNOST ( ….

Czechs want strict control of the alcohol market

The public blames mainly state bodies, both the politicians and supervisory bodies, for the vast alcohol black market. The strengthening of regulation adopted during the last year enjoys the support of 96,3 % of the Czechs and only 1,7 % would vote for a party proposing softening the current alcohol regulation laws. The survey identified risky consumer behavior of some 4 % of the people who are not ready to pay for high quality and safe alcohol a…

A step into the mobile marketing world

…Herzmann become a consultant to the Adveri agency developing and merchandising the mobile marketing application HappyFeed. The application supports creation and functioning of mobile communication based communities and replaces club cards. It offers a platform for one-to-one marketing and supports also consumer competitions….

Polls on regional election

…im at voting for national parties and movements, the local entities could gain over one third of the votes in some regions. Taking into account national parties and movements only, the most likely winner of the regional election seems to be ANO 2011 movement which leads with much higher than the second in the queue, ČSSD (the social democrats). Quite high percentage of voters would support KSČM (the communists), lower level of support could be exp…

A new partnership for ICT

…he Association for Better ICT Solution and Herzmann company start a new common program supporting marketing of small and medium ICT companies. A marketing audit should provide an assessment of the complex of products/services, target groups, communication channels and marketing messages. Based on this analysis, a set of recommendations will be developed and discussed in a workshop with the marketing team of the assessed company. See www.lepsi-rese…

Market research implementation courses

…ent research methods, management of the market research project process and research brief details. More information can be obtained from ….