Regional election forecast

…different types of elections since 2013. This publicly available study contains separate regional forecasts of the turnout as well as share of votes for all parliamentary parties in each of the regions. According to this forecast, mainly the ANO 2011 movement should remarkably succeed in this election. The ODS party should confirm its strong position and Pirates as well as SPD should get better results than in the past regional election. Slightly…

EP elections results remain unpredictable

…part of the Czech voter project, Herzmann s.r.o. conducted the second wave of a survey on the European Parliament elections. Estimated turnout in the EP elections dropped down 29,6 %. The five-percent-threshold necessary to get the mandates would be passed by six parties and movements, in addition to the ANO 2011 winner also TOP 09 together with STAN, CSSD, KSCM, Úsvit and ODS. Four parties remain only slightly below the threshold, namely the Gree…

Company profile

…iliar with political marketing and clever crisis communication. We are acquainted with re-structuring, process optimization as well as sales activities setting. Try us out. You will be happy to come back. Herzmann s.r.o. is in fact a virtual company. It consists from partners and a broad team of external consultants. We have no stone offices, we have no permanent staff, we have nearly no fixed costs. If you hire us, you will always pay only for co…

We offer new services

…During the Covid crisis, we learned that many SMEs lack information and support in the field of dealing financial subsidies. That is why we started a new pillar of services, namely financial consulting and accounting for SME. Anybody who is interested can get more information on request….

30 years of the Factum brand

…pates in the development of market and opinion research in our country. Nowadays, it is well known as ppm factum research, one of the branches of ppm factum group formed in 2009. If I look back at all the rich history of this brand, I feel it necessary to thank for the efforts to build the agency to all the employees and especially to my one-time partners Ms. Jitka Slavikova and Mr. Ivan Tomek, who participated in the foundation of the agency, as…

Survey: opinion of economists and financial experts

…rts feel that the CNB did not support economic growth when it intervened against the koruna in 2013. They are highly critical when assessing the ability of the government to implement anti-corruption measures. The government was also criticized as to the new VAT setting which is, in the opinion of the survey participants, not appropriate for the Czech economy. The respondent consider Russian investments in the CEE rather a thread whereas the Chine…

Results of a gardening study

…At the Annual Meeting of the Association for establishing and maintenance of greenery, held on February 5, Jan Herzmann published results of a detailed study on perspectives of this industry and further activities of the Association. This is the first study dealing with this interesting and perspective area which will remain one of the focuses of our consulting activities….

The third coronavirus study

In the end of October, we published the third study dealing with the reflection of the coronavirus epidemy in the Czech public opinion and social networks. Based on many partial findings we concluded that the society paid the second wave of the Covid-19 epidemy much less attention and showed substantially less fear compared to the first wave. This might be one of the reasons why part of the people showed contempt for the anti-epidemic measures….

Invitation for breakfasts

…epresented in the meeting at Slavia, the traditional Prague café. The key topic of the discussion was expected election turnout and the impact of the structure of participating electorate in the election result. All the Invitation for breakfasts discussions are strictly off the record so that no details can be published….

Herzmann s.r.o. presentation

In the end of February we presented the services of Herzmann company in a meeting of entrepreneurs and managers, held in Aquapalace Hotel Čestlice. The participants were interested both in the Czech voter project which appeals mainly to the political sphere, but also our consulting activities. The first real effect of the meeting is our participation in a newly opened Krondorf project….