Trend model for the Parliamentary Election

…not based on comparisons with previous election results. According to our latest analysis, five subjects tend to pass the threshold: ANO 2011 as the most probable winner (roughly 24 %), SPOLU coalition as the second best (22 %), Pirates and STAN (15 %), SPD (12,5 %), ČSSD (6 %) and possibly also Přísaha (5 %). All remaining parties tend to stay below the 5 % threshold which means the communists would not be represented in the lower chamber for the…

Attitudes of financial experts

…sting Dinner 2017, we presented results of a survey on attitudes of financial experts conducted in close cooperation with Donath Business & Media. The key results showed that the experts are not able to forecast either the date of the end of the CNB intervention against the crown, nor the short-term reaction of the exchange rate. In the long-term run, most experts expect slight appreciation of the crown which will not make it necessary for the CNB…

Petr Herzmann

…eady as a student in our family business Tsunami and collected experience mainly in Factory Pro, Unipetrol, Spolchemie and Česká pojišťovna. I worked for Johnson & Johnson, in the beginning it the Swedish branch as a controller (2002) and later on in Prague as a supply chain project manager (2003 to 2004). In the years 2004 to 2006 I worked as a sales and marketing director of Factory Pro. After that, I participated in creation of the project mana…

Jan Herzmann

Our team

…shapes and modifications. Being sixty, I have decided to change and concentrate all my efforts to develop our family business. I am in charge of asset management, communication services, marketing information and also political marketing. RNDr. Jan Herzmann, CSc. Slide Petr Herzmann My key competencies are effective sales management tools, project management and process optimization. I am also active in the spere of restructuring, mergers and acqu…

Eva Tulachová

Eva Tulachová, born Herzmannová

…arketing and communication between brands and their target groups. I live mainly in the FMCG and retail world and in our family business I am responsible especially for sales support and product communication projects. I started my professional career in 2005 at the financial division of Accenture. Rather soon, marketing became my key competence. I started working in Bolton Czechia, in 2006 to 2007 I participated mainly in positioning of Rio Mare…

Czech Voter project enters the nineth season

…We started the nineth season of the Czech Voter project. In June, we provided our clients with two aggregate studies, one dealing with political opinions and the other specialized in analysis of opinion, attitudes and behavior related to the Covid-19 epidemy. These comprehensive papers are available for purchase to any interested bodies – the same applies to the regular monthly outputs of the Czech Voter project….

Czech voter – this year´s last issue

…erzmann company issued its regular study Czech voter. The analysis of the latest data of different polling agencies shows that exceptional election and its results have not changed the opinions substantially. To remind late president Havel, bad mood continues to prevail. The economic situation is perceived as bad even if a bit less people share this opinion. Like in the older surveys, the Czech general economic situation is seen more critically th…

Covid-19 and public opinion

…changes. As a reaction to these phenomena, we publish the second publicly available study which maps different findings on behavior and opinions of the Czech population. (The first study covering this topic was published in May.) Among the key findings, there is a shift of the fears form the health area to the economic sphere and only slight increase of the interest in the coronavirus topic in July, at the time of relatively rapid increase of the…